Fuel Your Expansion with Marketing Automation

Streamline Personalized Email Campaigns, Elevate Customer Experiences, and Convert Leads into Profits

More than 65,000+ companies trust us

Automation, Email Marketing, and Sales Engagement in One Platform.

With PowerSend, you consolidate your strategies effortlessly. Our all-in-one platform merges automation, email marketing, and sales engagement seamlessly for unparalleled efficiency and impactful results. Try it now!

Email Marketing and Automation Efforts with the Simplest Solution


Confident Delivery, Minimal Effort, Maximum Impact: Achieve Results Effortlessly

Craft Stunning Emails Guaranteed to Capture Attention and Drive Engagement. Tailor Content to Each Subscriber for Personalized Connections. Utilize Fully Customizable Templates to Build Relationships that Result in Conversions.


Empower Your Business to Sell Itself

Free Yourself from Repetitive Tasks and Boost Sales Automatically by Automating Your Marketing Messages. Construct Journeys that Prompt More Customer Engagement.


Craft Stunning Email Signup Forms Effortlessly

Continuous Mailing List Growth, Timely Message Triggers, and Data Collection for Enhanced Personalization: Elevate Your Marketing Strategy Around the Clock.


Expand Your Reach with Intelligent Campaigns

Unlock Audience Engagement: Harness the Power of Email, SMS, and Cross-Channel Tools to Deliver Relevant Experiences, Amplify Opens, Clicks, and Actions, and Secure Promising Leads.


Transform Visitors into Valued Customers with Stunning Landing Pages

Craft Professional Landing Pages Aligned with Your Brand in Minutes. Attract a Larger Customer Base and Provide a Memorable Experience, No Coding Skills Required.


Keep Your Customers Primed to Purchase with Captivating Content

Establish a strong online foundation with on-point technical SEO and high-authority websites & increase your consumer trust.

Empowers you to prioritize your most loyal and valuable customers

Segment your customers by lifetime value and purchase potential. Unlock targeted insights to tailor strategies that maximize engagement and drive conversions effectively.

We provide simple pricing plans for you

Standard Plan

$30/Per Month

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Professional Plan

$90/Per Month

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Enterprise Plan

$199/Per Month

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Kind words from our clients about Xmoze

“Xmoze software advice was there for me, friendly and informative. After using xmoze social media marketing software, people sent me products offering scope also within my search & provided reviews on each & through and consider. Provide information links to products as I narrowed down my search. Help me for find what I was looking for which led to a purchase. Very happy.”

Manika Luise

Web Developer

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